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Thinking about a trip to Medellin por randomguy20



I've been reading this forum for a while and thinking about planning a trip. I just started learning some Spanish on Duolingo, and I saw some others that have gone to Colombia without being able to speak Spanish either. Did anyone have a difficult time getting around or finding stuff to do other than sex? I'm curious what else you might have done that excludes bars or night clubs? I figure I would avoid the nightlife issues that could pop up and it's not really my thing.

A few of the reasons I decided to look at Colombia was hearing others talk about the beautiful women, I'm in the US so it's not as long of a flight as some other countries, and the exchange rate is pretty good. I also see that the recommendation is to stick with reviewed girls on here, so maybe if I get some responses I can provide a list I'm looking at.

Thanks or the helpful info.


Catador Nivel II ⭐⭐
I spoke Spanish so I can't really comment on that issue.

As far as other things to do: Guatapé/Peñol, Coffee Farm, Paragliding, Comuna 13, etc.

As for your list: Fire away man. If you provide a list it will be easy for the readers here to respond.


Here are ones I was interested in with reviews:

Here are ones I was interested in but didn't see any results for the phone number:



Catador Nivel II ⭐⭐
Well as to Camila, Daniela, and Vanessa P, they are really well reviewed so I think you are pretty safe there and will have a good time.

The rest are new to me but I look forward to reading/hearing from the anybody else.


Catador Nivel II ⭐⭐
Well as to Camila, Daniela, and Vanessa P, they are really well reviewed so I think you are pretty safe there and will have a good time.

The rest are new to me but I look forward to reading/hearing from the anybody else.

EDIT: sorry, I didn't see your note there. Updated below

Well as to Camila, Daniela, Vanessa P, and Emily they are really well reviewed so I think you are pretty safe there and will have a good time.

I must have missed Paola but if she is reviewed you should be good.

Make sure to check for multiple reviews as some of them have an agreement with a guy so the guy will inflate the review. Also good if the review is somebody who isn't brand new.


As for the rest, you might be rolling the dice on some of them. Bait and switch, or outright scams are always possible. If you are going to take a chance on a non-reviewed girl, it may be better to go to a generally well-reviewed casa.

That way, you know it is not a scam, and you get to see the girl first, so you have at least something going for you.

Go to El Centro during the day and check out: Zandaly, Aventura, Bliss, Amigas Sexy, The Doll House, and New Life. The gringos generally seem to start at Zandaly and New Life.

In Laureles you can try Ellas Erotic (two locations), Angeles Spa, Chicas Plus, or Sensaciones/Casa San Joaquin

Neil Macauley

Angeles Spa has always given me consistent service. Ellas Erotic is seriously hit or miss. Some have had good experiences. The three times I went sucked (not in a good way).

The pretty girls like Yesica and Susana who show their faces will charge you triple the price and you only get one screw.


Thanks for the info. Are you guys local? If not, do you get burner phones and all of the extra precautions I've seen mentioned like a second wallet to take around with just the amount of cash you think you need, expired credit card, etc?


Catador Nivel II ⭐⭐
I'm not local. I didn't use a burner phone but I probably would on my next trip since it might be for longer than a 8-9 days.

I definitely did the fake wallet thing. I used a backup ID along with some cards too and enough cash for that outing. For me, $200 COP. If I carried more cash, it was hidden in a pouch inside my underwear. If I need more cash, I'll go to a bathroom and pull some out.

Use this trick to decide how much to carry in your wallet: Ask yourself if you'd be really bummed if you lost your wallet with that much cash. If so, you are carrying too much. For me, $50 or even $100 USD is not enough to make me hesitate to give it up if a guy holds me up. That is the key. You want to eliminate your hesitation reflex. Give him your wallet, phone, etc. They don't want your life. Just your money.

Oh, I also put my room key in the hidden pouch and I never carry the sleeve that says the name/room number of the hotel as anybody could find that and clean you out. Though I take that precaution everywhere.

Despite all of this, after a few days I felt like I was taking TOO much precaution because I generally don't put myself in bad situations in the first place. Things were a lot more chill than I expected. But, I'd just rather be safe than sorry and not drop my guard. So the precautions are a good reminder to me not to take anything for granted.


Went twice. One time for 4 days and the other for 2 weeks. Both times spoke almost no Spanish and got by fine. Just look at the reviews on this site and decide. Ellas Erotica was good for me. Tried Camilla and she is legit a sex demon. Stayed out until 2-3 AM a lot and never got robbed. Went to Parque Lleras, Provenza, Calle 70 and a lot of Laureles places. Just be smart, don’t go to any near empty places, always take an Uber no taxis. Don’t look like a target. I carried 300-400 USD on me, had my wallet and phone. I am 5”11 so not the biggest guy and I am 28. Maybe the robbers go after 50-70 year olds? Maybe I got lucky but yea have fun.


Catador Nivel II ⭐⭐
Went twice. One time for 4 days and the other for 2 weeks. Both times spoke almost no Spanish and got by fine. Just look at the reviews on this site and decide. Ellas Erotica was good for me. Tried Camilla and she is legit a sex demon. Stayed out until 2-3 AM a lot and never got robbed. Went to Parque Lleras, Provenza, Calle 70 and a lot of Laureles places. Just be smart, don’t go to any near empty places, always take an Uber no taxis. Don’t look like a target. I carried 300-400 USD on me, had my wallet and phone. I am 5”11 so not the biggest guy and I am 28. Maybe the robbers go after 50-70 year olds? Maybe I got lucky but yea have fun.
Two things that I did not mention that I want to co-sign on: Don't go near empty places AND always take Uber over taxis. Uber is dirt cheap anyway.

Both of these are important because the 2nd one will help you with the first. You may be tempted to walk somewhere because it doesn't seem that far, but if you have to walk through empty streets, especially at night, just get an Uber.

*Side note: you can now get taxis through the uber app and that would be okay to me because of the tracking. That wasn't available a while back.

That all being said, still get the Uber. And don't get the economy uber. They take forever to respond and will cancel rides and try to say you weren't there to collect money, etc, etc. The higher priced tiers respond faster and are more reliable. This is one area I tell people to "over pay"

It is actually not much more expensive in the big picture but the difference in quality is worth it.

Taxis and regular ubers are the girls who gives bad service because you are paying $60-80k COP. Pay the $120 for the well-reviewed nympho.

Neil Macauley

Local here. I've never been robbed in any professional house, nor have I felt the need to be concerned. I take no further precautions other than not bringing a fat wad of cash with me. Businesses don't want dead bodies and police around. Meeting up with women off the apps, that's a different deal.


Catador Nivel II ⭐⭐
Yes, apps ans street girls. That being said, some guys seem to navigate both of those just fine. Not for me though. I think the consensus is to stick to well reviewed girls/casas and you'll be fine.

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