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Contenido reciente de Puzzled

  1. Gringo advice: New Life?

    Hi all, I will be in Medellin soon and read a bunch of helpful information on this forum (thanks all!). So there are two main rules from what I have read: never go for street hookers, never drink anything you're being offered. I will be staying in a normal hotel, so I cannot bring a hooker...
  2.  Referencias de Mafer 23457180

    Gracias por tu respuesta, muy util :)
  3.  Referencias de Mafer 23457180

    Excuse my bad Spanish. Has anyone experience with this? I like skinny and petite girls. https://co.mileroticos.com/escorts/hermosa-morena-dispuesta-a-complacerte-con-promo-de-60k/23457180/